Showing posts with label Promoting Inclusivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promoting Inclusivity. Show all posts


Promoting Inclusivity: How Teachers Can Ensure All Students Join and Participate in Blooket

 Blooket provides an engaging way to energize learning. But without intention, less outgoing or struggling students may fail to participate fully. This guide offers tips for teachers to promote inclusion so all students can benefit from Blooket.

Obstacles to Joining

Some barriers may prevent participation:

  • Hesitant to play games publicly
  • Unfamiliar with technology
  • Unsure how to join properly
  • Lacking account or credentials
  • Intimidated by competitions
  • Language comprehension issues
  • Pressured by faster pacing

Understanding potential obstacles is the first step to addressing them proactively.

Tips for Inclusive Onboarding

Make onboarding engaging while supporting varying needs:

  • Demo Blooket gameplay with the entire class before assigning to establish familiarity.
  • Create how-to guides on joining games, logging in, and playing basics for reference.
  • Group tech-savvy students with less skilled peers for onboarding peer support.
  • Remind students assignments are about learning, not pressure to win.
  • Provide accommodations like extended time, calculator use, or pause features.
  • Translate key instructions into home languages as needed.

Guidance and resources foster confidence for adopters at all levels.

Encourage Game Access

Reduce barriers to game access:

  • Remind students guest login is available if they lack accounts.
  • Verify technology and connectivity capabilities to play from home.
  • Provide school device access to disadvantaged students when playing during class.
  • Whitelist Blooket on school networks and devices.
  • Circulate participation charts to drive usage through accountability.

Availability ensures Blooket is a classroom option for all.

Make Joining Easy

Streamline game joining:

  • Display join codes visually on boards, verbally, and through chats/email.
  • Allow students to take a photo of codes on teacher devices during demoing.
  • Break down steps verbally and visually like “Go to, click join game, enter code.”
  • Print and laminate instruction cards with joining directions.
  • Create QR join code handouts that link directly to games.

Multi-channel instructions and examples enable frictionless access.

Drive Engagement Through Community

Foster communal motivation:

  • Have students buddy up and take turns on shared devices.
  • Randomly group students into teams to build connections.
  • Celebrate milestones and achievements publicly.
  • Track whole-class progress through games completed.
  • Schedule low-stakes practice games rather than high-pressure competitions.

Shared experience and support unifies students.


Blooket offers many advantages, but inclusive implementation ensures universal student buy-in.

Proactively removing adoption obstacles through guidance, accessibility, and community allows all learners to benefit.

With the right scaffolding, Blooket can provide engaging education for diverse classrooms rather than causing new divisions. Thoughtful integration demonstrates one of gaming’s greatest strengths - uniting people in shared experiences.

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